BII World has immense experience in organizing Exclusive Boardrooms – both Virtual and Physical in nature.
These boardrooms aim to drive to-the -point presentation and discussion from boardroom sponsors to the exclusive selected members attending the event.
These boardrooms can be designed for public or invite-only professionals to attend and be benefitted.
Upcoming Events

Discussion And Dinner Invitation
Transformation towards a Person-Centered Service Model
November 2023 | Abu Dhabi
November 2023 | Abu Dhabi
Discussion And Dinner Invitation
Transformation towards a Person-Centered Service Model
November 2023 | Qatar
November 2023 | Qatar
Completed Events

Patient Experience Beyond COVID 19
Patient Experience Beyond CoVid19
7th – 9th June 2022 | Manama - Bahrain
7th – 9th June 2022 | Manama - Bahrain
Embrace the Future of Hybrid Work
Exclusive Roundtable
Wednesday, April 21 2021
11:00 – 12:30 Gulf Standard Time (UAE)
Wednesday, April 21 2021
11:00 – 12:30 Gulf Standard Time (UAE)
The CISO Meetup
Wednesday, September 16’ 2020
Middle East
14:00 -15:30 (Gulf Standard Time)
Middle East
14:00 -15:30 (Gulf Standard Time)
Past Boardrooms

The CISO Meetup
Wednesday, September 16’ 2020
Middle East
14:00 -15:30 (Gulf Standard Time)
Middle East
14:00 -15:30 (Gulf Standard Time)
Customer Engagement Technologies and the Future of Work in Finance
Exclusive Roundtable
Tuesday: 2nd March 2021
(14:00 – 15:00 Gulf Standard Time )
Tuesday: 2nd March 2021
(14:00 – 15:00 Gulf Standard Time )
Trust of Zero Trust: Privileged Access Management in the Age of a Remote Workforce
Middle East & Africa
Digital Onboarding Customers through EKYC Verification and Digital Identity Management
Middle East & Africa
How can Financial Institutions thrive in the Age of Digital Disruption?
Middle East & Africa
Reimagining better business banking experiences for the Post COVID19 World
Middle East & Africa
Improving the Personalization across your Retail & Business Digital Banking Service